Sunday, October 29, 2006

And We're Back to Non-Standard Standard Time

Did you remember to turn your clocks back? I would like to put an idea out there. Since, effective next year, the U.S. will be on Standard time for a paltry 4 1/2 months, let's stop pretending it is Standard. How about we just admit that DST is now Standard Time and re-name it accordingly. The former standard time can be re-named CLDOS, "Christmas Light Display Optimization Schedule." We can't get rid of CLDOS because we need the extra hour of evening darkness November to January to show off the holiday light displays that consume all the energy we saved over the summer by having the indoor lamps on for an hour less in the evening.

The Onion pokes fun at my favorite mischaracterization of DST in: Daylight Saving Time Yields Massive Daylight Surplus


Anonymous said...

Let's do like Arizona: move the clock forward next Spring and forever forget to turn it back. Look at all the personal energy you will save from not having to fool around with clocks and walking to change them and all of the fossil energy saved by being on one standard.

Anonymous said...

'S OK for Arizona, but we in the more northern latitudes would get less daylight in summer.
As for not resetting your clocks, if you can't do the job, say so! :)


Anonymous said...

When will people realize the sun does not give a flying rat's hindquarters what your clock says...daylight is the same regardless of DST or CLDOS. (I reside in the north by the way, and I don't buy the "we get more daylight hogwash.") I am with Anonomys, let's join Arizona! Quit messing with my milking times! Bush should do something really great and abolish this change the clocks garbage!