Wednesday, January 28, 2004

Blurb You Won't See On the Back Of Norman Mailer's Books...

Also, I don't think my professor was expecting anyone to actually come out and say it in class:

"American Dream was the most colossal waste of 75 cents I've ever spent, and that includes when the vending machine ate my quarters."

The prof was speechless. He deserved it. Today, he got it into his head to call attendance using the full names as printed on the class roster, which in my case is my full name, though I never use my middle name in any context at all. The only time my middle name has ever came into play was when I was in really big trouble as a child, and that was long before I became a Harriett. As if announcing my middle name in front of 35 people I do not know wasn't enough, he decided to add his own editorial comment.

"Janet Lee Harriett. Whoa. Three first names."

Cool. Someone finally found a variation on the two first name comment that I've never heard before. "Actually, two last names." My Grammy's maiden name is Lee, as in Robert E.

He did not get the hint. "Well, it could be three first names."

"But it's not. It's two last names." I should know. It is my name, after all.

Back and forth like this for a while until he finally got the hint and moved on to the next unfortunate soul. I can't believe I am paying for this kind of treatment. I just keep telling myself I am not paying to like it, just to suffer through it long enough to get the degree. I only have to see this guy thirteen more times.

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