Saturday, April 21, 2007

Spring has sprung, the grass is green...

...and when the grass is green, there is only so long one can put off mowing it. But that's just fine, because I got that chore done yesterday, and today was sunny, warm and so gorgeous I had an uncontrollable urge to skip through the mall parking lot on our way to pick up some Mother's Day cards.

Today was one of those days that was not going to get ruined by anything. I got to geek out on some sci-fi over my morning cup of coffee. There is something invigorating about dissecting why the toasters on Battlestar Galactica rebelled against their human creators yet accept second-class status under their human-form cylon counterparts (and if you understood any of that sentence, you know what I mean about it being invigorating). After that, I got to bury my bare toes in fresh-mowed grass, found some new blackberry shoots coming up, and finally got a bloom on a purple crocus. Good things came in the mail, some good news by phone, and it was just an all around fantastic day.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I am delighted for you, thanks for sharing.
