Thursday, January 29, 2009

Cream of Mushroom Soup

The good news is that the writing has been taking off like a shot. It's not the sort of thing that would make my BFA professors proud (then again, I doubt that any of them except one would be proud of anything vaguely comprehensible). Mostly, I write short summaries of this, that and the other thing, chock full of keywords to make it Googleriffic.

Which brings me to why the blogging has been light lately. I'm writing all day, for pay. Good for me, bad for you all. I will try to keep this up as much as I can, but I hope you all will understand that the paying gigs have to come first, and there will be times when neither my brain nor my fingers can stand any more time putting letters in order.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

We have missed your blogging, but appreciate the paying gigs must come first. Wonder if Shakespeare would have invented 'Googleriffic' if you hadn't?
