Friday, June 12, 2009

Unintentionally Funny

I present a transcript of an actual conversation that passed in the Rookery. We have preliminary harvest going on and I am blanching veggies for the freezer daily. The container of lettuce outside appreciates the daily dose of blanching water, so I leave the pan on the stove to cool.

Emp. Peng: Why are you boiling urine?
Me: That's not urine, that's pea water. (pause while I listen to what just came out of my mouth). That came out wrong.
Emp. Peng.: I think that came out just right.
Me: It's water from blanching peas.


Anonymous said...

Oh my gosh I just fell off my chair laughing!!!! Thanks for posting again!

Anonymous said...

I can picture the conversation. Love it!!!
NW PengMom