Wednesday, August 23, 2006

David H. Mills, January 9, 1926-August 22, 2006

This morning, for the first time in eight decades, the sun rose on a world without David Mills, yet the sun stubbornly insists on rising anyway. Fourteen hours now since his death, and so far, the world has not shown any signs of coming to a grinding halt. I can only surmise that is because the world has not yet had a chance to realize what it is missing--specifically, my grandpa, a man who loved his family in ways that adjectives cannot capture.

His lingering decline finally reached its inevitable conclusion with him at home with his wife of 58 years and five weeks at his side. That is a bit of mercy that provides the only bit of comfort one can expect today.


Anonymous said...

Hey sis, I must agree adjectives can not describe hope immortally amazing Grandpa was to us all. Jay wrote a poem that met Grandpa's approval regarding that subject, however. The world does not realize just what it is missing. But our world does and he would want us to keep going in it, with his ways, as he loved us, and to teach the generations that follow us how he loved us with that twinkle in his eye. Love ya, Sis

Anonymous said...

I mean immortally amazing.

Anonymous said...

Janet, you have my sincerest sympathies for your loss!
