Thursday, August 31, 2006

Hedgehog News--Not penguins, but still cute

McDonalds has redesigned its McFlurry containers. Apparently the old ones were hedgehog death traps. Hedgehogs have a sweet tooth, and the opening to the lid was just big enough to let a hedgehog's head in, but not out. Effective Friday, McFlurry lid openings will be hedgehog-proof. Of course, with a 12-ounce M&M McFlurry weighing in at 620 calories, 20 grams of fat, 1 gram trans fat and 19% of the RDA for cholesterol (based on a 2000 calorie diet), the lid might not be the only thing about this product that is killing off hedgehogs.

An interesting side note: according to Wikipedia, hedgehogs are lactose intolerant. Still, they go for the McFlurry residue, which is definitely a dairy product. So much for Sonic the Hedgehog's "Got Milk?" ad.


Anonymous said...

DEFINITELY a dairy product!? Are you sure? This is McDonald's we're talking about, ya know!

By the way, I move into the New Digs tomorrow (Sunday). WOOO-HOOOOO!!! I am now a Bronxite!!!

Janet said...

I checked the ingredients list. There is honest, from-a-cow ice cream in there, among other things.