Thursday, March 22, 2007

In The Mailbag

My SASE came back from Analog today, containing the following note, along with a copy of the submission guidelines:
Thank you for giving us the opportunity of looking at this manuscript, but I have found it not quite suitable to our present needs.

I rather like your style of writing and suggest that you try us again.

Sincerely, Stanley Schmidt
To some, this may seem like bad news, but I have graduated to getting rejected on a full sheet of 8.5x11 paper, signed personally by the same person I addressed the original submission to, not one of his assistant editors, and containing sentiment that might possibly be construed as "you don't totally suck as a writer." The only way I could be happier about this is if I could progress to someone actually buying the thing.


Anonymous said...

You have our support in your endeavours. Congratulations, not on your rejection, but on your progress.


Anonymous said...

What was it PengMom said? Rah, rah, ree, kick them in the knee? Well you kick butt! Keep it up, you are going to make it!--Proud PengSis