Friday, September 26, 2008

Who Approved This Ad Slogan?

Next week starts Breast Cancer Awareness Month, or as we call it at the Rookery, Hooter Consciousness Month. Advertising is already ramping up for the annual Assault of The Pink. Today, I passed a billboard urging women to get mammograms with the slogan:
Put the Squeeze on Breast Cancer

Interesting tactic. I'm still a decade off from my first appointment with the boob squisher, and I'm already dreading finding out what 3 to 20 decaNewtons feels like when clamped down on a body part. Reminding me of what is widely considered to be the worst part of a mammogram is not really likely to make me want to run out and make an appointment.

What's next? "Shove Prostate Cancer Where the Sun Don't Shine"?

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