Friday, June 25, 2004

California Governor Wants My Cats Dead

Either Arnold Schwarzenegger lives in a fantasy world where he is so popular that he can do no wrong, or Californians really are so beguiled by the man's charm that they will stand back and watch their governor publicly advocate drowning burlap sacks full of kittens.

I exaggerate, of course. The Governator did not specify any particular method of killing puppies, kittens, or cute little fluffy bunnies. He just wants them dead, and quick.

Seems the accountants have figured that Schwarzenegger could save local governments $14 million by changing the law to allow shelters to whack cute little fluffy bunnies immediately upon arrival and only wait 3 days to off cats and dogs. Current law requires shelters to hold animals for (gasp!) very nearly an entire week before they consider euthanizing them to make way for another animal to have its window of opportunity to be adopted.

I would not make this up, for the simple reason that I do not want to go to jail. Accusing a sitting governor of wanting to kill kittens and puppies would be libel if it were not true. It's all in the Associated Press story that you can read by clicking here.

The AP headline is a little more tactful: "Schwarzenegger Wants Strays Killed Faster." I don't have to pretend to be as dispassionate as the AP. I am not a reporter; I am the owner of two cats, both adopted from animal shelters. The Humane Society did not disclose how long Chessie had been there, but Sonja, who is currently curled up in my lap nudging my arm because I'm using it to type instead of pet her, was dropped at the shelter a full 21 days before we adopted her. She's purring, blessedly oblivious to the fact that the governor of California thinks she should be dead right now.

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