Thursday, May 08, 2008

I Want...

the Lawnbott lawn-mowing robot. Finally, someone has made a lawn-mowing robot capable of mowing the 2-acre lot that the Rookery sits on. Technology-wise, it is roughly what you would get if the Roomba and Magic Bullet hand blender got together after hours. Did I mention it is a freakin' autonomous lawn-mowing ROBOT? You program it for when you want it to mow, then forget about it. The lawn gets mowed without you.

The issue with lawn-mowing robots has been battery life. Up to now, none have had what it takes to do 2 acres. Some get taxed on a decent sized city lot. Let's face it: if you have a patch of grass the size of a breath mint, you don't need a robot to do your mowing. Five minutes and a pair of manicure scissors would do the trick. Me, I spend 3 to 4 hours a week just mowing. That doesn't count any quality time with the weed whacker, either. With gas prices going the way they are, a $4,000 lawn mower might be worth it just because it is electric. The autonomy would just be a bonus.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

You go get one, you deserve it. Put it on my card, I'm good for it,
