Thursday, May 29, 2008

Waiting Room Observations

Things I noticed while the doctor's office staff sort of forgot I was there this morning:

  • The clock on the pencil holder was 11 minutes faster than the clock on the wall
  • The sign should have read, "Patients who are in for physicals should wait to provide a urine sample," not "Patients that..." Though it took much restraint, I did not grab one of their Lamasil pens and correct that sign.
  • A "healthy seating area" in a doctor's office is slightly less useful than a "non smoking section" in a restaurant. The germs don't know not to hop over two chairs.


Anonymous said...

If you did not correct the sign, I hope you mentioned the error to someone. I have been on about this for years.


Anonymous said...

Perhaps the germs don't know not to hop, but at least you aren't touching a previously sneezed on chair or being coughed on directly. Wish our doctor office had that with all the kids parading though!

~Ann O.