Thursday, February 12, 2004


Every year, the insurance company that Elie works for sends the top-producing agents to a fun tropical location on the company's tab. Any agent who meets certain sales goals for 2004 can take a guest on an all-expenses-paid trip (leave your American Express at home; they even supply spending money) to the Bahamas in April 2005.

Therein lies the problem. The Bahamas trip coincides exactly with Celebration III, the big convention/party in Indianapolis to celebrate the release of Star Wars Episode 3. We can either cruise the Bahamas on someone else's dime or go to the Star Wars convention in honor of the final installment of the Star Wars saga, a movie 28 years in the making, in which we finally get to see how Darth Vader became Darth Vader. I have the hair to make Leia cinnamon buns and a chance to go to the only place where it won't look stupid.

The Bahamas will be there later.

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