Tuesday, May 24, 2005

Strange What You Remember

When ME posted the news of Howard Morris' passing earlier this week, Elie saw it before I did. When he told me, the conversation went something like this:

"Howard Morris just died."
"Howie Morris. From Sid Caesar's Your Show of Shows."
Baffled look from me. Throough a minor oversight, I've only seen about 45 seconds of any Sid Caesar program. That will be rectified.
"He was in High Anxiety."
Another blank look.
"Earnest T. Bass on the Andy Griffith Show."
It went on like this through a good chunk of Howard Morris' extensive filmography, until Elie got to, "He was Wade Duck in Garfield and Friends."
"No, that wasn't him. That was..." My brain, scanning the cast list of my favorite Saturday morning cartoon show, finally caught up with my mouth. That was Howard Morris. "Wade Duck is dead?"
"All that, and you say 'Wade Duck is dead'?"

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

(blank look) Who is Wade Duck? Who is dead? Ann O.