Thursday, January 26, 2006

Must Be Something About the '80's

I used to drive a 1984 Pontiac Firebird. I should have known something was up when the brake lines snapped in half on my way to get the title inspection at the sheriff's station. Among its other faults, it had a habit of stalling if I tried to turn a corner while going uphill. My parking brake was a brick, and the "P" on the gear selector was purely decorative. Needless to say, there was a time I knew the flattest route between any two points in Omaha, Nebraska, as well as all the level parking lots. Worst of all, that car seemed to have a minimum number of things that had to be broken at any given time. If I fixed one, another problem would inevitably crop up within days.

My house was built in 1981, and I am beginning to think it has that same problem. The parking brake works, but as soon as I fix one thing, something else breaks. Yesterday afternoon, I finally figured out that whole retaining nut thing and got my bathroom sink drain cleared. Yesterday evening, as I was washing dishes, the sink sprayer snapped off in my hand. If I didn't need my kitchen sink, I would hesitate to fix that, as I fear what will go next.


Anonymous said...

Welcome to home ownership, sis! Just be glad you didn't buy new construction. They get worse problems and their houses are brand-new.

Anonymous said...

Could be worse. She could be one of those women that wants to marry a man and then "fix" him. --Emp. Peng. (aka "The Man She Married")