The trip back was largely uneventful, except for an hour spent on the tarmac in Charlotte while the crew tried to figure out why, in spite of all indications to the contrary in their system, we did not in fact have a co-pilot present.
We're still unpacking, but an incomplete list of the freebies acquired includes 14 books (we paid for 4 others), 6 t-shirts, 1 baseball cap, two squishy balls, and an undetermined number of temporary tattoos, buttons, posters, and tote bags. Oh, and Cliff Simon's autograph on my program book. We had an interesting, if brief chat. He has the same t-shirt I was wearing, and we both have difficulties finding appropriate venues to wear it. Lots of folks don't see the humor in a t-shirt reading "Bow before me, I am your god.--The Goa'uld" even after one explains that it is from a TV show, and they're the bad guys. Cliff Simon plays one of the deities in question, which, one imagines, makes it that much more interesting for him to explain.
Look here in the near future for a review of the state of penguins in pop culture.
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