Sunday, September 23, 2007

Counter Intuitive

I came into possession of a decent quantity of Concord grapes recently, and did what anyone would do with two sinkfuls of the 'nummiest seeded grapes on the planet: I made juice. Concord grapes make the most mouth-wateringly delicious juice ever to grace a glass. They also make purple blotches on the counter everywhere a drip lands and sits for more than half a nanosecond. The color itself is an improvement over the current yellow and generally quite pleasant. In fact, the only thing keeping me from getting a couple gallons of Welches and dying all of my countertops purple is that I would have to repaint the kitchen. Which brings me to the question: does anyone out there know how to get grape juice out of Formica? The counters don't fit in the washing machine.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I know this sounds weird, but try Lysol toilet bowl cleaner. Don't be turned off by the "toilet bowl" part, the liquid is very sanitary -- and will cut thru nasty stains. I even used it once to remove gention violet that the nephew spilled on my stair treads. And it leaves a nice clean smell as well. It also works great for cleaning porcelin sinks and fiberglass. But be careful on paint, as it will bleach out the color a bit.