Friday, September 28, 2007

State of the Penguins

A while back, I alluded to the decline of penguinal dominance of pop culture. To whit, my Swiss Colony catalog arrived yesterday, and I went for my annual eye-binge of overpriced sweets and meat/cheese packs. There was exactly ONE penguin in the entire catalog, and that was on a tin of sugar free butter toffee popcorn. Two years ago, they had gummy penguins, chocolate penguins, penguin jammies (yes, I bought a set), and more penguin gift tins than you could shake a tailfeather at. This year, the sole penguin is relegated to the sugar free section, which, considering this is the Swiss Colony catalog, exists solely for the benefit of people who do all of their gift giving from the Swiss Colony catalog but still need a token item to send to the diabetic relatives.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hey go look online at their site. I was just there and there are lots of penguin things.