Tuesday, September 18, 2007

Fair Trade

We just got back from Emp. Peng.'s first experience with a county fair. His community band was playing, and--mercifully--most of the concert was upwind of the livestock exhibits. The wind shifted during the Porgy and Bess Suite.

I've been to many a county fair in my time, and they don't seem to have changed much in the dozen years since my last trip to one. There is still the bison burger stand, examples of the domestic arts, purveyors of everything fried on a stick and the aforementioned livestock. I'm still trying to figure out if it was marketing genius or just plain wrong, having the steak-on-a-stick stand next to the cattle exhibition barn.

I have a more pressing fair question, though: should we have noticed the elephants before we all but walked straight into them?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

These effylumps - were they not representatives of one of your political parties?
(Can never remember which are the donkeys).
