Tuesday, July 27, 2004

You Call That a Convention?

I watched part of the Democratic National Convention on CNN (or maybe C-SPAN, I was still groggy).  My convention was much more fun.  Political parties should model their conventions after Comic Con. Ours looked so much more fun than theirs.  All they had was people giving speeches and a couple musical numbers.  Just imagine how much more exciting that could be with movie screenings, announcements of the very latest mocie and comic book projects, free books and t-shirts, and a costumed Snoopy walking around.  Hey, we all know who will end up being nominated at the Democratic Convention.  Who saw "Revenge of the Sith" coming?

For those who, for reasons utterly beyond my comprehension, do not yet know, "Revenge of the Sith" is the title of the last Star Wars movie, coming out in May.  They revealed the title at a panel at the San Diego convention.  More on that later.

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