Monday, October 25, 2004

OK, That's Weird

It's probably not polite, but when I'm in the checkout line at the supermarket, I check out what the person ahead of me is buying. Tonight, I was behind a woman buying three pints of isopropyl alcohol and a pack of Oscar Mayer bologna. Nothing else. Next time I'm bored or have writer's block, I am going to make a point of figuring out what situation would drive a person to leave her home to buy a quart and a half of rubbing alcohol and a pound of processed meat.

If it isn't apparent, I'm burnt out on politics. Back to the original mission of pointing out the random oddities of life.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It takes 10 minutes for alcohol to sanitize a surface. (Yep, that little swab the nurse gives ya before a shot is useless!) Perhaps she didn't want to go to Canada and didn't fall into the "high risk" groups and is paranoid?