Wednesday, January 12, 2005

Toil and Trouble

The last about week and a half has been a real doozie for me. Since my office's annual Christmas-to-New Year's hiatus ended, it seems like it has been one thing after another. No one big thing happened, but the accumulation of small and medium-sized circumstances has been wearying. By Monday night, I figured my run of crap had to be ending soon since these things can't go on forever. The cosmos had to be running out of things to throw at me--after all, it was starting to dip into the plot of a Seinfeld episode (they're funnier when they aren't happening to you).

Then I got the boil. At that point, I had to step away from the cranky, bummed out mood I'd been wallowing in for a week and laugh. Boils are just so cliche. Everything else I've been dealing with, then to develop the sixth plague? That's just phoning it in.

Speaking of plagues, I had to give you this link because I wouldn't have believed myself if I hadn't seen them: 10 Plague Plushies. I stumbled across it when I was looking for the plague number for boils.

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