Wednesday, February 02, 2005

Survey Sez...

Word from the Groundhog is six more weeks of this winter stuff. I'm holding him to that. I want all this snow and ice and associated ick gone by March 17. Here's the official proclamation out of Punxsutawney from the Father of all Marmota (man, he is one busy groundhog!).

I'm not sure I want to know what the deal is with the young women in bikinis, or the half naked guy standing on Gobbler's Knob (site of the groundhog reading) behind the guy in formalwear with the really big pocketwatch. When did Pennsylvania in early February become the pregame show for Spring Break in Ft. Lauderdale? Also, when did real news start bumping Punxsutawney Phil off the news pages? I actually had to go to today to find this. You'd think the President was making a speech, or the Pope was in the hospital, or some would-be democracy just held its first elections or something.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

In regards to the groundhog: Perhaps the media was afraid (?!) of another Janet Jackson-type exposure. Or the world is just so depressed by all the war, politics and fear there is no room for fun. It took 3 hours for the radio to finally report it at 9am out west. Did you see any coincidence of Gorilla suit day being scheduled right before Groundhog day? Perhaps to scare him out?