Thursday, June 30, 2005

Battle of the Signs

A week after we moved in to our new house, a sign went up on what we thought was a vacant service station on the corner. On the bright side, it's now much easier to find the turn to the house. Before the new signage, I had to remember to turn left at the third Pepsi sign on a bar after the freeway offramp, right before the elephant at the Putt-Putt. Now, I just remember to turn at the sign for the alleged "gentleman's club."

Rumor has it that the entertainment in this establishment features exposed mammary glands, and as you might expect, this has upset a few people. The epicenter of the protests seems to be the Catholic church about two miles down the highway. Their main tactics seem to be picketing Friday and Saturday nights (they bring folding lawn chairs), and putting up messages on the sign outside their church. They changed the reader board today to read "Child molestation is an illness, and topless bars help the virus."

Whether or not that particular claim has merit, I'm guessing that no one on the Sign Message Committee there took a second to think that, at this particular moment, a Catholic church might not exactly have the moral high ground in a discussion of what promotes child molestation. The establishment's proprietors glommed on to this last weekend with their counterprotest sign, "Priests molest children" staked into the parking lot planter.

It's pretty much like watching the fox and the weasel argue over who raids the henhouse. Sure, the irony is amusing, but it doesn't do anything to keep the chickens safe.

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