Thursday, June 02, 2005

Still Here

I know I haven't been posting much around here lately. Unfortunately, I'm allocating most of my time to a few paying projects, notably a new full time job, leaving less time to probe the internet for bloggable items. I'll try to keep up with the posting better. My new job is with an outfit I can best describe as a combination specialty coffee roaster and gourmet food store. Though we will brew lattes, etc, the focus is on a really great cup of coffee, which bears no resemblance to a venti triple half-caf skinny extra whip mocha. We're so snobby about our coffee, we order it in English and drink it black.

Here's one for the "That takes chutzpah" file. On my first day of work, a high school kid came in inquiring about potential summer employment. The manager brushed her off with something about not hiring under-18-year-olds because the store also sells alcohol. That is true, as is the fact that the store does not generally hire summer help anyway. However, the big strike against her is that she came in to a gourmet coffee roaster carrying some sort of Starbucks beverage. That's roughly equivalent to going to Chanel for a job wearing the latest trends from Target. They don't hold it against me that I still brew Starbucks coffee in the morning at home, only because I'm drinking through the eight pounds I bought before I knew any better.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Didn't the scarecrow sum that one up in the Wizard of Oz when he said, "...if I only had a brain..." ~Ann O.