Wednesday, July 06, 2005

In the twelve years I've been driving, today was the first time I've ever actually renewed my driver's license. Until now, I've always moved to a new state before my license expires.

I think the clerk had a few reservations about handing over my new license. Here's a more or less accurate transcript of the conversation during my vision test:

CLERK: Let's try it without your glasses first. Step over there.
(I take a step to the left and put my face in the exam contraption)
CLERK: Read the center section, fourth line down.
(I pause for a moment, trying to make out rows at all in the center section)
ME: I don't think I can
CLERK: What's the lowest line you can read?
ME: Are those are supposed to be numbers?

I did manage to pass, though I now have the dreaded "Must Wear Corrective Lenses" endorsement. I've worn bifocals full time for the better part of two decades, so it doesn't change anything other than requiring me to do what I do anyway. However, I'd like to say in my defense that I could barely read the numbers with my glasses on and I know for certain my vision hasn't degraded that much since my last eye exam.

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