Monday, July 11, 2005

Jack Squat

Since someone is cybersquatting on (don't bother looking over there, and more later on that from your guest blogger), we're registering a few still-available permutations of our names. Not planning on putting anything up anytime soon, we're just staking out some web territory while it's still available. Part of the legal agreement to registering a .us domain name is agreeing not to post profanity as defined by a 1978 US Supreme Court case "as made famous by George Carlin." I kid you not. Registering a .us domain requires one to explicitly agree not to use any of the Seven Words You Can't Say on Television, and referencing the comedy bit of the same name. The soon-to-be-guest-blogger, reading over my shoulder, just pointed out that the same clause is not in the agreement for a .tv domain, so, you can say the Seven Words You Can't Say on Television on .tv, but not on actual TV, or the .us domains.

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