Monday, July 04, 2005

Stealth Chutzpah

A man who trademarked "Stealth" as a brand of sporting goods in 1985 gets a writeup in the New York Times for his pirahna-like efforts to protect his trademark from infringement by such things as an upcoming Columbia Pictures movie. He does in fact legitimately own the trademark for the word "Stealth" as a brand name for several uses including air conditioners, but he seems to have made a cottage industry out of firing off cease-and-desist letters to anyone he finds using the word for anything. The company that makes the B-2 Stealth bomber paid him off to the tune of $10--incidentally, the agreement is also why one cannot get model Stealth Bombers under that name.

Making it easier for headline writers everywhere, this man also claims ownership of the word "chutzpah." Sometimes the headlines just write themselves.

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