Saturday, November 08, 2003

Good Health News!

Hot cocoa is good for you. Yup. You read right. Swiss Miss is now health food. Now all we need is for someone to find some sort of nutritional benefit in mini marshmallows.

For the details, click here.

For other food-related, time-wasting fun, click here. You can't actually read the articles on the site without subscribing to The Journal of Agricultural and Food Chemistry, but reading the titles of the studies is fun enough if you have some time to kill.

For Example:
-Characterization of the Pyrazines Formed during the Processing of Maple Syrup.
-An Assay To Estimate Tannins Added to Postmortem Turkey Meat
-Reversible and Irreversible Emission of Methanethiol and Dimethyl Disulfide from Anaerobically Stored Broccoli (note: I'm always careful to anaerobically store my broccoli. Aren't you?)

Research like this keeps people out of the unemployment lines.

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