Friday, March 05, 2004

Better Late Than Never?

John Kerry's campaign wrote me back. The cover letter is dated March 1, and the envelope is postmarked March 3. Too bad I voted March 2.

The campaign sent me the standard list of Kerry's platform, headlined "A Real Deal: One Hundred Days to Change America," a one-page bio of Kerry, and a nifty form letter thanking me for my suggestion to the campaign. Scrawled across the bottom of the form letter is the note, "Sorry for the delayed response. You wouldn't believe the amount of mail we receive daily. Your comment about domestic violence was helpful. Here is some more info about Senator Kerry."

The Kerry Campaign loses points for the following:
-assigning campaign volunteers with atrocious penmanship to write notes to supporters
-assuming I support Kerry, when in fact the entire point of the letter was that I was not sure I supported him
-not even pretending to answer the question I asked
-lack of timely response
-making excuses for lack of timely response, based on volume of mail

I think I would have felt better about Kerry if he hadn't written back at all. I'd rather be ignored than patronized.

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