Saturday, March 06, 2004

Too Little, Too Late...

Congratulations to John Kerry, who is no longer the most insulting Democratic presidential candidate of this election cycle. I just received a letter from Clark '04 For President. It is insulting not because it came 4 days after the primaries, nor because it is a form letter that came in a window envelope while the other candidates at least had the courtesy to have a campaign volunteer hand-address the envelope and write a short note. I'm not even so much bothered by the fact that the Wesley Clark campaign did not even acknowledge the question I asked (how his tax plan benefits families with no children), much less try to avoid giving an answer. No the insulting thing is that all he sent with the generic form letter was a "contributor card" to facilitate my donation to his campaign. I just asked for some more information to make an informed judgment about my vote, and instead of receiving information, I was hit up for cash for a campaign that ended 3 weeks ago. John Kerry just rose a notch.

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