Thursday, May 20, 2004

Now, That's a Word Picture

I decided a while back that I had said everything I have to say on the subject of same-sex marriage, and would drop it as a blog topic. The debate over same-sex marriage is not to change anyone's mind, for we've all pretty much decided where we will entrench ourselves, but to see whose point of view gets the more unimpeachable legal status first and becomes the de facto point of view for the nation.

Even so, Penguin Perspectives feels the need to link to Dahlia Lithwick's latest article in Slate, which begins:

Since few opponents of homosexual unions are brave enough to admit that gay weddings just freak them out, they hide behind the claim that it's an inexorable slide from legalizing gay marriage to having sex with penguins outside JC Penney's.

Read the article if you want. Dahlia Lithwick is always good for a well-reasoned argument, even if she doesn't change your mind.

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