Tuesday, May 18, 2004

Random Daily Thoughts

One year and counting
Star Wars Episode III comes out in exactly a year. We're hoping to make it to the midnight showing. Unless today is your first day here, you already knew I am a Star Wars geek.

Silent Protest
Click here to read Slate advocating a silent protest against the phrase "Make No Mistake." I intend to join the uprising and make a mistake today. I'm not sure I can outdo the University of Toledo's registrar, who told me yesterday that they had not mailed out my transcript because--get this--they ran out of paper. I don't know which is worse: that someone did not think to order an extra ream or two of watermarked transcript paper for the end-of-the-year transcript rush, or that they admitted it. Sometimes I wish people would have the decency to lie to me when they do something that stupid.

Happy Volcano Day
Get some red food coloring, paper mache, baking soda, and vinegar, and celebrate the 24th anniversary of Mount St. Helens blowing her top and much of one side. Alternatively, rent Fantasia 2000 and pay close attention to the crater at the end of "The Firebird." Craters and Firebirds remind me of my old Pontiac, but that's a story for another day.

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