Thursday, July 07, 2005

Now That's a Thumb Drive

Finally, someone is developing a manicure I might bother getting. Scientists in Japan have figured out how to write data to human fingernails. Using a laser system, they essentially turn fingernails into computer discs that store the info right on hand (or on left hand) for six months, or until the nail grows out. They say they can get 5 Mb per nail, which is about three times what your standard floppy holds, but it's still no replacement for my 256 Mb jump drive.

One potential application (besides giving us blossoming sci-fi writers more fodder) is combining the new nail data writing with finger biometrics for personal authentication. Which leads to one inescapable conclusion: we're going to have to start shredding our fingernail clippings for personal security reasons. At least it will get them off the bathroom floor.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Would this be an example where chewing one's nails would be useful? Gives a whole new meaning to eating your words. Ann O