Tuesday, April 06, 2004

More Online Time Wasters

Sometimes, for fun, I troll eBay for spelling errors. It's amazing how many items you can find at a good price by searching for misspellings. Right now, there is an auction for 20 pengiun items. Strange that no one has bid on it yet. Maybe it has something to do with the fact that if you're looking for penguins, this doesn't come up. In addition to the deals, though, trolling for errors is great for your self-esteem. After all, you'd never do anything so stupid if you posted an eBay auction.

This auction is a new apex of "how could they do that" eBay errors. The item is listed as "Studabaker Emblem Dash Plaque (Its Fast)." The item this person is selling in the auction clearly reads "Studebaker," which is the customary spelling of that particular defunct automobile manufacturer. How does one misspell the key word in an item listing when the correct spelling is right there on the item?

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