Monday, August 02, 2004

Breaking In

Every so often, AOL Organizing offers nifty collections hints to help me organize my life, brought to me by Real Simple magazine. Today, they offered me hints for, and I quote, "How to break in" the following items, in this order:
1. Husband
2. Puppy
3. Blue jeans
4. Leather sandals
5. Knives
6. Butcher block
7. Wine
8. New house
9. Hotel room

I'd like to register my offense at item #1, and not just because it implies that husbands need more "breaking in" than wives. Having done it before, I'll admit that merging two households can be a bit of an undertaking, what with getting used to both people's little idiosyncrasies and resolving that ever-important question of crunchy or creamy (my advice: "his" and "hers" Skippy), but its on an entirely different level than keeping your steak knives sharp. Joining lives is an adjustment to be made by both sides. If you're looking for someone to fit around your every curve like a perfect pair of jeans, but a pair of Levis.

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