Thursday, August 12, 2004

My One And Only Word About Gov. McGreevey

I don't know how they do it. Here's a photo from New Jersey Governor McGreevey's resignation announcement news conference. The lady in the powder-blue suit is Mrs. McGreevey, and I don't know a thing about her except that she's standing there watching her husband admit to millions of people that he not only cheated on her, but cheated on her with another man. Whatever the gender of the "other woman," I don't see how these political wives manage to stand there and smile supportively while their husbands drag intensely personal marital business in front of the world. It seems to require a superhuman level of intestinal fortitude. I'll have the same awe for political husbands when a lady governor or senator or whatever is at the microphone confessing marital infidelity. I'll have even more awe when we stop having to hear these press conferences, either because politicians who attempt to legislate our collective morality stop sleeping around, or because we give them a personal life again. Personally, I'd prefer the former, but I'll take what I can get.

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