Monday, August 16, 2004

Say What?

I'm checking the date and, sure enough, the atomic clock says it is August 16, and on matters of time, the US Naval Observatory is always right. Now, I try not to repeat myself too much here, and last year, I made quite a bit of a to-do about people putting up their Christmas decorations before Thanksgiving. Still, I think this must be said:

It's August 16. Why did I walk past a big honkin' display of Halloween candy at the grocery store today? Watermelon and candy corn should not be in season at the same time.

Good grief, what are these people up to? No one takes 2 1/2 months to lay in a supply of Raisinets for the trickertreaters. No one. The candy companies start this now knowing full well that until October 28, we're buying bulk packs of Fun Size Milky Ways to snarf down ourselves while we catch up on our Xena reruns. Of course, if memory serves from the few times I ever went Trick or Treating (or neighborhood wasn't exactly the place to do that), even then, no one buys the little Snickers or Twix to give away. On October 29, people run out and buy a bag of Tootsie Rolls* or some other equally nasty blob of sugar to hand out to the kiddies.

*-Note to the Tootsie Roll Lovers of America Society: I respect your opinions as to the edibility of the Tootsie Roll, but as far as I'm concerned, it's like eating a carob-flavored pencil eraser.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

What's worse than tootsie rools? Stale tootsie rolls! You know the candy isn't for the trick-or-treaters, it's for breakfast...remember, it's back-to-school time. I saw candy in the school supplies isle. Yup, you got it, right next to the pencils. No wonder our schools can't educate children properly. Ann O.