Monday, September 05, 2005


I forgot to mention one of the other rides we went on, the aptly-named Demon Drop. I think it is NASA surplus, with a former life as a device to see if the astronauts would throw up when the Apollo capsules hit the ocean. Picture, if you will, being strapped in to an open-front, open-sided steel cage that is hoisted to the top of a 10-story tower, then dropped. Just dropped. At some point in the pullout curve, the cage tips you on to your back, then turns you back vertical again. I think I tasted my own esophagus. I'm also pretty sure I got someone else's vomit residue on my shirt.

We did that ride just before lunch. Did I mention that this was a quasi-group outing? Someone else coordinated this, bought all the tickets, and arranged for lunch, although we didn't stick together as a group at the park. I'm not sure at what point during lunch that it occured to the trip coordinator that a buffet was not necessarily the best idea at an amusement park. I figured it out yesterday, when we got the luncheon arrangements. All-you-can-eat + roller coasters. Yeah, this does not end well.

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