Tuesday, September 27, 2005

Something Driven Life, All Right

Remember the gal who got all the huzzahs for her role in capturing the guy who shot up a courtroom in Atlanta a while back? She's the one who said she gained the guy's trust during a 7-hour hostage ordeal by reading to him from The Purpose Driven Life. Comes out--now that she's gotten the book deal--that she shared a little more than just her faith during the ordeal. Specifically, she also shared her stash of crystal meth.

She's waited six months to tack on the little addendum to the story line, and that was probably the smartest move she made since getting him high. The Power Of Faith And Getting Your Captor Strung Out On Meth just isn't as compelling as faith alone. The media likes a young widow a lot more when she isn't a druggie.

People who keep their stashes of illegal drugs next to their Bibles are one of the reasons I gave up religion. Churches are full of too many people who think an hour on Sunday absolves them of the rest of the week, and people who look the other way.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I goog'd 888-872-2629 and wound up here. Thanks for the great info re Chase. My whole (good credit, pay on time, 0% apr?!) experience with them has been a nightmare and now they want more blood?!

I just want to comment on this meth lady from GA. If you read her story she did not do a line with him becasue she did not want to meet her maker high. She also says she hasn't touched the stuff since. I give her credit man. Speaking of credit....