Sunday, September 18, 2005

Honey vs. Vinegar as Fly Bait

I firmly believe that there is no reason why one should just do housework when one can make it into a fun science experiment. No comments from any of you who have eaten my cooking after Clean Out The Refrigerator Day.

My kitchen is beset with a minor infestation of fruit flies, which gives me a perfect situation to test whether one can, in fact, catch more flies with honey than with vinegar. I have set out two traps, identical except that one is baited with apple cider vinegar and the other is baited with honey. They're right next to each other in the area where most of the flies seemed to congregate before I removed the ripening fruit from the counter. Preliminary observations show more flies clustered around the funnel of the trap that is baited with vinegar, but we won't know for certain until the infestation clears and I observe the contents of the two traps before I dispose of them. Stay tuned for results.

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