Wednesday, September 21, 2005

Egg Timer Modding

The dental hygenist mercifully skipped most of the floss lecture today. It isn't that I don't know how to floss properly; it's that someone put a bunch of between-teeth crevices waaaay back in the back of the mouth where it's hard to reach. You'd think intelligent design would have made the plaque-prone parts of the body easier to clean.

You'd also think that dental product manufacturers would make a wider variety of flavors, considering they're used so close to the taste buds. I have a rather intense distaste for artificial mint or cinnamon flavors, and today was the first time a dental hygenist actually thought to connect that with my somewhat lax brushing habits. Instead of just lecturing me on technique, she gave me suggestions for some palatable workarounds. However, having worked out ways to make preventative care less yukky, she was absolutely insistent that I have to brush for a full 3 minutes after every meal. Which brings me to why I now have an egg timer in my bathroom.

I was hoping for something with whimsy to match the rest of the house, which is mostly a mix of sci-fi and comic books. Unfortunately, I couldn't find whimsy, so I settled on the standard under-$ 2 white-sand hourglass in a wood frame. I'm looking for suggestions on mods for my egg timer to give it a little more personality. Something like installing some LEDs or the like. Please post any suggestions to the comments. I'll post before and after pics when I get the modding done.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
Penguin timer - 60 min.
(Serengeti catalog) $4.98
Nature's Jewelry $4.98
and here
Atomic Time ($7.00)
Penguin tea timer at Target $21.99