Friday, September 30, 2005


Mother of pearl and son of all things holy, I can't believe Serenity. Joss Wheedon did things with and to the characters that defy expectation and convention. I laughed--hard. I cried--hard (then again, I cried during Jersey Girl). There was one point when I thought, "This can't possibly be happening." Okay, that one happened twice. The first was when the theater inexplicably showed the trailer for Serenity right before they showed the movie Serenity. The second time...I'm not going to tell you when the second time was. Suffice it to say the Alliance isn't the only one who ain't gonna see this comin'. Never before in a movie have I ever sat there, mouth agape, completely surprised by what just passed on the screen.

Click here to watch the trailers. My suggestion is Trailer 2. Stay away from the clips until after you see the movie. Only "River" actually spoils a plot point, but the clips are better when you see them as part of the movie. Go see it.

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