Saturday, January 31, 2004

Happy National Gorilla Suit Day!...

For a more thorough explanation of National Gorilla Suit Day, click here.

It cannot possibly be a coincidence that National Gorilla Suit Day is also the birthday of Franz Schubert, Norman Mailer, Carol Channing, Dick Gephardt, and Justin Timberlake (of 'N Sync and Brittany Spears fame). There's cosmic irony for you: Franz Schubert and Justin Timberlake with the same birthday. The universe does have a sense of humor, doesn't it?

Also on previous National Gorilla Suit Days:
-Guy Fawkes was executed for his role in Guy Fawkes Day
-Truman announced the hydrogen bomb
-General Robert E. Lee was named commander in chief of the confederate army
-The Germans announced unrestricted submarine warfare in WWI
-Americans finally got a satellite into orbit

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